Make an RIV payment
The Registrar of Imported Vehicles (RIV) will not release the RIV inspection form until the RIV registration fee has been paid.
All data collected throughout this site is subject to our privacy policy.
Step 1
Enter case details:
Step 2
Verify case details:
Step 3
Enter payment detail:
Step 4
Print receipt:
Step 1 - Enter case details
Case Number *:
Vehicle Type *:
Vehicle Identification Number *:
Port of Entry *:
Taxes are determined by the border crossing used. Please double check the code as it appears on the custom’s stamp on the Vehicle Import Form – Form 1, as this may delay the release of your inspection form should the incorrect code be recorded.
Transaction Number:
Processing Agent ID:
*required fields
Case number can be found in the upper right corner of the Vehicle Import form (Form 1 or Form 3) and must be entered.
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Vehicle type must be specified to determine VIN data entry requirements.
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Vehicle identification number must be entered to ensure payment is applied to the correct case.
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The port where the vehicle has or will be imported must be specified.
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Port code must be entered if "Other" has been selected as the port of entry.
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Transaction number must be entered.
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The Processing Agent ID appears in field 2 of Form 1 or as Officers Badge Number in grey area of Form 3.
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